We were pushed from our home as seniors in our 70s

Want to learn true minimalism? LET US help.

Our Story

Our ebook is only $2.99 - go to the Buy the Book page or contact us for more info.

Richard & Laura Pawlowski

We were economic refugees and learned to live in a tent as we went. Our Social Security and the National Park system was a Godsend to us. We want to share what we learned with all baby boomers and seniors and those that may be afraid of traveling without an RV.

Our little tent and our paid-off Windstar van, along with the National Park Senior Pass, took us to incredible new places we would have never been able to see and experience. The travel insights we learned saved us a lot of money and we want to share these insights with you too. Important stuff - especially now in 2020 and beyond.

SPECIAL NOTE* If you ever have to live in a tent for financial or emergency reasons, our little book and nomadic lifestyle can make all the difference. You can also connect with us after you read it and ask questions and get more ideas too.

Living in a tent for over two years was the most important life changing experience we could ever have and we think everyone should do it for health and education reasons. Get a tent, our ebook and go.